Category:Computing and electronics Background

Category:Computing and electronics

Computers and electronics play an enormous role in today's society, impacting everything from communication and medicine to science.

Although computers are typically viewed as a modern invention involving electronics, computing predates the use of electrical devices. The ancient abacus was perhaps the first digital computing device. Analog computing dates back several millennia as primitive computing devices were used as early as the ancient Greeks and Romans, the most known complex of which being the Antikythera mechanism. Later devices such as the castle clock (1206), slide rule (c. 1624) and Babbage's Difference Engine (1822) are other examples of early mechanical analog computers.

The introduction of electric power in the 19th century led to the rise of electrical and hybrid electro-mechanical devices to carry out both digital (Hollerith punch-card machine) and analog (Bush’s differential analyzer) calculation. Telephone switching came to be based on this technology, which led to the development of machines that we would recognize as early computers.

The presentation of the Edison Effect in 1885 provided the theoretical background for electronic devices. Originally in the form of vacuum tubes, electronic components were rapidly integrated into electric devices, revolutionizing radio and later television. It was in computers however, where the full impact of electronics was felt. Analog computers used to calculate ballistics were crucial to the outcome of World War II, and the Colossus and the ENIAC, the two earliest electronic digital computers, were developed during the war.

With the invention of solid-state electronics, the transistor and ultimately the integrated circuit, computers would become much smaller and eventually affordable for the average consumer. Today “computers” are present in nearly every aspect of everyday life, from watches to automobiles.
STARS Articles

STARS articles are peer-reviewed articles on the history of major developments in technology. Available in the computers and information processing category are:

Differential Analyzers
Early Punched Card Equipment, 1880 - 1951
Early Popular Computers, 1950 - 1970
Electronic Calculators: Desktop to Pocket
IBM System/360
Inventing the Computer
Software Industry
Word Processing for the Japanese Language

Automation - The use of information technologies and control systems to reduce the need for human labor in the production of goods and services
Circuitry - Included are topics which deal with the workings and issues dealing with circuitry, such as circuit noise, silicon on insulator technology and circuit synthesis
Computational and artificial intelligence - Covers aspects dealing with artificial intelligence from a computational standpoint
Computer applications - Various practical applications of computing such as computer aided design and telecommunications community
Computer architecture - The inner workings of computers, including data structures, system buses and distributed computing
Computer classes - Different kinds of computers, such as calculators, analog and digital computers.
Computer networks - Topics dealing with networking, such as IP networks, multicasting and WAN.
Computer science - The mathematical, algorithmic and scientific elements of computing are included here, such as algorithm analysis, programming and graph theory.
Computing - Various types of computing such as high performance, mobile and optical computing
Consumer electronics - Electronic devices designed for consumer purchases such as sound systems
Contacts - Electrical contacts for joining electrical circuits
Data systems - Topics dealing with systems that process data
Digital systems - Systems like metropolitan area networks and token networks are covered under this category
Distributed computing - All aspects of distributed computing including client-server systems, peer to peer computing and file servers are included in this category
Electron devices - Electron devices and tubes such as cathode ray tubes, vacuum tubes and electron guns
Electronic components - Topics pertaining to components such as capacitors, resistors, diodes and switches
Electronic equipment manufacture - Various elements related to the manufacturing element of components, circuitry and devices are included in this category
Filtering - Different types of filtering methods such as active, Bragg and harmonic filters
High-speed electronics - Includes integrated circuits, networks, and Ultrafast electronics.
Image processing - Topics relating to processing of computer images
Imaging - Devices which display an object's outward appearance
Industrial electronics - Power electronics used in an industrial setting
Information display - Electronic and liquid screens and displays
Information theory - The processing of information via the use of applied mathematics and electrical engineering
Integrated circuits - One of the 20th century's largest breakthroughs in electronics, integrated circuits paved the way for miniaturized electronics
Logic devices - Logic gates and arrays are among the concepts which provide a foundation for digital circuits
Memory - Computer memory such as analog memory, flash memory and read only memory are included
Multitasking - Multitasking is the act of performing two or more tasks at the same time
Open systems - Computer systems which provide a platform of interoperability
Oscillators - Various kinds of oscillators and their applications related to electric devices
Pattern recognition - Methods of using computers to recognize patterns such as character recognition, data mining and text recognition
Pervasive computing - A ubiquitous computing model in which information processing is integrated with common objects
Sensors - A sensor is a measurement device which produces a readable signal
Software & software engineering - Topics dealing with various elements of software and its design
Solid state circuits - Devices composed of a solid material where the flow of electronics is confined to the solid material
System recovery - Various aspects of system recovery and backup such as core dumps and debugging
Thermal management of electronics - Topics dealing with heat in electronics
Tunable circuits and devices - Topics dealing with circuits and devices which may be tuned such as RLC circuits

Halaman dalam kategori "Computing and electronics"

Kategori ini memiliki 1.393 halaman, dari total 1.393.

New Technologies in the Summer of 1959

First-Hand:39 years with IBM

First-Hand:A Birth of Gapless Metal Oxide Surge Arrester (MOSA) and Early Days of Its Promotion Activities
First-Hand:A Brief Account of Spell Checking as Developed by Houghton Mifflin Company
First-Hand:A Hidden Voltage Source
First-Hand:A Look Back over the First 50 Years of IEEE
First-Hand:A Memorable Period
A Small-C cross-compiler for the IBM 1401
Archives:A Survey of MOS Process Technologies
M. Robert Aaron
Abbey Road Studios
ACE Computer
Jeanne Clare Adams
Robert W. Adams
Oral-History:Willis Adcock
Oral-History:Michael Adler
Archives:Aerospace Computer Characteristics and Design Trends
Howard Aiken
Oral-History:William Ross Aiken
Oral-History:Rachid Alami
Samuel N. Alexander
Oral-History:Alicia Casals
Oral-History:Royal P. Allaire
Oral-History:Frances "Fran" Allen
Oral-History:Allison Okamura
Saul Amarel
Amateur Radio
Milestones:American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCII, 1963
First-Hand:An Eclectic Electrical Engineer
Oral-History:Fred Andrews
Oliver L. Angevine
Antenna Measurements
Dimitri A. Antoniadis
Milestones:Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)
Milestones:Apollo Guidance Computer, 1962-1972
Erdal Arikan
Oral-History:Ronald Arkin
Milestones:Inception of the ARPANET, 1969
Oral-History:Eric Ash
Kevin Ashton
Oral-History:William Aspray
Mansour H. Assaf
Morton M. Astrahan
Oral-History:Karl Astrom
Karl J. Astrom
Archives:Karl Aström Interview
John V. Atanasoff
Milestones:Atanasoff-Berry Computer, 1939
Archives:Mike Athans Interview
Oral-History:Chris Atkeson
De Forest Audion
Isaac L. Auerbach
Oral-History:Werner F. Auerbacher
David H. Auston
Electrical Power Connectors - Australia
:Automatic Control of Machines
Archives:Jack Avins, The Essence of Engineering
Oral-History:Ayanna Howard
Hertha Ayrton

Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Garry J. Tee Discusses Charles Babbage
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Garry J. Tee Discusses Charles Babbage, segment 1
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Garry J. Tee Discusses Charles Babbage, segment 2
Giorgio Baccarani
Richard J. Backe
John Backus
Oral-History:Jean Bacon
Victor Bahl
Oral-History:James J. Bailey and Rosalie Dunn
Oral-History:Robert Baim
Oral-History:Kenneth T. Bainbridge
John Logie Baird
Oral-History:Ruzena Bajcsy (2002)
Oral-History:Jack Balde
Henry Baltes
Amir Ban
Kaustav Banerjee
Sanjay Kumar Banerjee
First-Hand:Banging the Large Drum Slowly
Avram Bar-Cohen
Oral-History:Paul Baran
John S. Baras
Bardeen, Brattain, Shockley invent the transistor
William S. Barstow
Oral-History:Lionel Barthold
Jean Bartik
Oral-History:Jean Bartik
Tamer Basar
Archives:Batch-Processed Alphanumeric Displays
George A. Bekey
Bell Labs
Archives:Bell Labs & The Origins of the Multimedia Artist
Oral-History:Maurice Bellanger
Richard Bellman
Oral-History:Ottorino Beltrami
Oral-History:Leo Beranek (1996)
Leo L. Beranek
Horst H. Berger
Berger Publishes Paper on Electroencephalogram
Oral-History:Fran Berman
Oral-History:Mary Lee Berners-Lee
Oral-History:Tim Berners-Lee
Claude Berrou
Oral-History:Harold H. Beverage and H. O. Peterson
Marek E. Bialkowski
Oral-History:Gottfried Biegelmeier
Biology and Computers: A lesson in what is possible
Joel S. Birnbaum
Birth of Radio Location in the United States Navy - Chapter 4 of Radar and the Fighter Directors
Oral-History:Harold S. Black
Nora Stanton Blatch
Oral-History:Woodrow Wilson Bledsoe
Milestones:Code-breaking at Bletchley Park during World War II, 1939-1945
First-Hand:Bletchley Park, Station X - Memories of a Colossus Operator
Oral-History:Ron Blicq
Erich Bloch
Richard M. Bloch
Manuel Blum
Alan Dower Blumlein
Oral-History:Bob Bolles
Andrew H. Bobeck
Oral-History:Jim Bobrow
Oral-History:Susan Bond
Oral-History:Gary Boone
Henry A. H. Boot
Oral-History:Anita Borg
Yan Borodovsky
Oral-History:Berthold Bosch
Jagadish Chandra Bose
Otis Boykin
Nasser Bozorg-Grayeli
John G. Brainerd
Oliver Brand
Walter H. Brattain
Karl Braun
Robert K. Brayton
A Brief History of Early British Computers
History of Broadband Impedance Matching
Robert W. Brodersen
Rodney A. Brooks
Gordon Stanley Brown
Walter L. Brown
William C. Brown
Oral-History:Herbert Bruch
Michel Bruel
Oral-History:Per Bruel
Oral-History:Herman Bruyninckx
Randal E. Bryant
Buckyballs and Nanotubes
First-Hand:Building the U.S. Navy's First Seagoing Digital System - Chapter 4 of the Story of the Naval Tactical Data System
Bulletin Board Systems
Oral-History:Richard Burden
U.S. Census Bureau
Mark L. Burgener
Oral-History:Arthur Burks
Robert Page Burr
William Burroughs
Oral-History:C. Sidney Burrus
Vannevar Bush
:Business Software
Dennis D. Buss

C.L. Liu
Oral-History:James Thomas Cain
Oral-History:Betty Campbell
Archives:Can Direct Interaction With A Computer Serve You?
I. Muzaffer Canay
Federico Capasso
Oral-History:Norm Caplan
Oral-History:Brian Carlisle
Oral-History:Carme Torras
E. Finley Carter
William S. Carter
Aileen Cavanagh
Cavity Magnetron
Archives:A Century of Electricals
Oral-History:Vinton Cerf
Vinton Cerf
First-Hand:Chad is Our Most Important Product: An Engineer's Memory of Teletype Corporation
Oral-History:John Chadwick
E. Leon Chaffee
Oral-History:Britton Chance
Anantha P. Chandrakasan
Morris Chang
Richard A. Chapman
Oral-History:Charles Maerfeld
Oral-History:John C. Chato
Robert S. Chau
Tze-Chiang Chen
Anne Chiang
Shang-Yi Chiang
Oral-History:Marvin Chodorow
Archives:Choosing a Minicomputer
Henry R. Chope
Oral-History:Howie Choset
Stephen Y. Chou
Sunlin Chou
John Chowning
Clayton M. Christensen
Oral-History:Chuck Thorpe
Oral-History:Fan Chung-Graham
Archives:Circuit Design Using Personal Computers
First-Hand:Circuit Design, Fiber Optics, Games, Detector Arrays, Voice Communications: A Journal of an Electrical Engineer
:Circuit Packaging
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society History
Kimberly Claffy
Oral-History:Judy Clapp
David D. Clark
Edith Clarke
Oral-History:John Coales
John Cocke
Edgar F. Codd
Carlos A. Coello Coello
Jean-Pierre Colinge
First-Hand:Commercialization of Embedded RISC Cores
Communication Technologies and Liberation Movements
Archives:Communications and the Computer
IEEE Electronics Packaging Society History
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: An Experiment in Video Oral History Part One: Origins of Electronic Computation During World War II
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society History
Archives:Workshop on Computer Languages for Process Control
Archives:Computer Aided Network and Circuit Analysis and Design
First-Hand:Computer Hot Flashes and Cold Feet
Computer Language Compiler
Archives:Computer Timesharing - What Is It, and What Can it do for the Electrical Engineer
Computer Viruses
Computing in Poland
Oral-History:Charles Concordia
Frank Conrad
Oral-History:Anthony Constantinides
First-Hand:Contributions of Russell E. Theisen
Lynn Conway
Oral-History:Mary Coombs
Oral-History:Betty Cooper
John A. Copeland
Oral-History:Joel Burdick
Oral-History:Peter Corke
Oral-History:William E. Cory
Patrick Cousot
Oral-History:Wayne Cowell
M. George Craford
John H. Crawford
Creating Magnetic Disk Storage at IBM
Sorin Cristoloveanu
Jon Crowcroft
First-Hand:Cryo CMOS and 40+ layer PC Boards - How Crazy is this?
Oral-History:C. Chapin Cutler

Oral-History:Luigi Dadda
Thomas W. Dakin
Raffaello D'andrea
Oral-History:Ron Daniel
Sidney Darlington
Sunil R. Das
DATAR - First Digital Computer/Communications System for Anti-Submarine Warfare
Supriyo Datta
Ingrid Daubechies
Oral-History:Lee Davenport
Oral-History:Donald Davies & Derek Barber
Claud M. Davis
Oral-History:Martin Davis
Oral-History:Dawn Tilbury
Nicolaas Frans De Rooij
Mark E. Dean
Michael S. Dell
Oral-History:Ernst Denert
Robert H. Dennard
Jack Dennis
Oral-History:Charles Denton
Archives:Charles A. DeSoer Interview
John H. Dessauer
Oral-History:Marjorie "Marge" Devaney
Carlos H. Díaz
Dictation Machines
Difference Engine
Differential Analyzers
Oral-History:Digital Oldtimers: Oral Histories of Computer Programmers and Other Scientists
Edsger Dijkstra
Frederick H. Dill
Henry H. Dillard
:Diode Electron-Tubes
Displacement Current
Archives:Display Devices
Disruptive technology
Distributed ledgers
Distributed Networks
Archives:Distributed Networks
Carl Djerassi
Dolby Laboratories
Oral-History:Jean Dollimore
Hermann Dommel
Oral-History:Howard Doolittle
Marco Dorigo
Oral-History:Herbert Doring
Archives:Dubilier Condenser Materials
Eugène Ducretet
Robert W. Dutton

Oral-History:James Early
:Early Computer Memories
First-Hand:Early Digital Art At Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc
First-Hand:Early PC History
Early Popular Computers, 1950 - 1970
Early Punched Card Equipment, 1880 - 1951
Christopher M. Earnshaw
Melville Eastham
J. Presper Eckert
Oral-History:Murray Eden
Edison Effect
First-Hand:Edward E. David, Jr. (1925-2017): Personal Memories
Willem Einthoven
EKGs and EEGs
Abbas El Gamal
Electric Meter
Archives:Electro Mechanical vs Solid State
Archives:Fifty Years of Electron Devices: The IEEE Electron Devices Society and Its Technologies
IEEE Electron Devices Society History
Electron (or Vacuum) Tubes
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Electronic Developments During World War II
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Electronic Developments During World War II, segment 1
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Electronic Developments During World War II, segment 2
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Electronic Developments During World War II, segment 3
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Electronic Developments During World War II, segment 4
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Electronic Developments During World War II, segment 5
Electronic Calculators: Desktop to Pocket
:Electronic Digital Computers
Milestones:Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, 1946
Milestones:Electronic Quartz Wristwatch, 1969
Peter Elias
John Ellenby
Archives:Elmer Gilbert Seminar
Enabling Information Technology - Empowering Moore's Law
Doug Engelbart
First-Hand:Engineering the Technology of the Future: Building High-Speed Computing Machines in the 1950s
Elmer W. Engstrom
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: ENIAC
The encryption war of WWII: the Enigma encryption machine
Epilog - What is the “Right Stuff” for a fighter director? - Chapter 14 of Radar and the Fighter Directors
First-Hand:EPROM Cassette (1977) as a Predecessor of the USB Flash Drive
Leo Esaki
Masayoshi Esashi
Oral-History:Lloyd Espenschied
Lloyd Espenschied
Deborah Estrin
Archives:New Applications of the Computer: Thelma Estrin and Biomedical Engineering
Thelma Estrin
Oral-History:Thelma Estrin (1992)
Oral-History:Thelma Estrin (2002)
ETA Systems Hardware Technologies (1983-88)
Delores M. Etter
Oral-History:Hong Eu
David Evans
Oral-History:Bruce W. Everitt
First-Hand:Evolutionary Events in Core Business Information Systems

Federico Faggin
Oral-History:Federico Faggin
Fairchild Semiconductor
Fairlight CMI
Robert M. Fano
Farnsworth's Image Dissector
Alexander Feiner
Oral-History:Elizabeth "Jake" Feinler
Jamie Fenton
David Ferraiolo
Oral-History:Gabriel Ferrate
Gustave-Auguste Ferrie
Oral-History:Alfred Fettweis
Alfred Fettweis
Richard Feynman and Micromachines
Fighter Direction Spreads from the Carriers - Chapter 9 of Radar and the Fighter Directors
Milestones:First Practical Field Emission Electron Microscope, 1972
Massimo V. Fischetti
Avery Fisher
Eugene A. Fitzgerald
Oral-History:James L. Flanagan
Oral-History:Steward Flaschen
John Fleming
Fleming Valve
Milestones:Fleming Valve, 1904
Harvey Fletcher
Oral-History:Virgilio Floriani
Oral-History:Charles Flurscheim
Oral-History:Art Fong
Oral-History:Terry Fong
Oral-History:G. David Forney
Jay W. Forrester
Alexandra Forsythe
Oral-History:Ted Foster
Bruce A. Francis
David J. Frank
Oral-History:Roy Freed
Oral-History:Herbert Freeman
French Telegraph Cable of 1898
Oral-History:Robert Friedel
Arrigo Frisiani
Dov Frohman-Bentchkowsky
King-Sun Fu
Oral-History:Leonard Fuller

Dennis Gabor
Oral-History:Uzia Galil
Robert G. Gallager
Oral-History:Robert Gallager
Oral-History:Robert Galvin
Oral-History:Karl Ganzhorn
Oscar N. Garcia
Oral-History:Wanda Gass
Oral-History:Ron Gedney
Charles M. Geschke
Oral-History:David Geselowitz
Tahir Ghani
Georgios B. Giannakis
James F. Gibbons
Oral-History:James Gibbons
First-Hand:Gigabit Wireless Networks
Oral-History:Dorothy Gillette
Oral-History:Edward Ginzton
Edward L. Ginzton
Oral-History:Joseph Giordmaine
Alain Glavieux
Global Positioning System
Oral-History:Frank W. Godsey
Oral-History:Adolf Goetzberger
Oral-History:Ben Gold
Oral-History:Adele Goldberg
Oral-History:Ken Goldberg
Oral-History:Goldey, Hittinger and Tanenbaum
Jacob Goldman
Oral-History:Alfred N. Goldsmith
Oral-History:Thomas Goldsmith
Shafi Goldwasser
Oral-History:Gene Golub
Ralph E. Gomory
Oral-History:Eugene Gordon
Eugene I. Gordon
James A. Gosling
Ramesh Govindan
Oral-History:Dimitry Grabbe
Dimitry Grabbe
Oral-History:Martin Graham
Oral-History:Susan Graham
Susan L. Graham
:Graphical User Interface
Oral-History:Robert M. Gray (1991)
Oral-History:Robert M. Gray (1998)
Albert G. Greenberg
Oral-History:John Gregory
Oral-History:William Gretsch
Oral-History:David Gries
Victor Grinich
Guido Groeseneken
Stephen Grossberg
Peter Grünberg
Oral-History:John Guarrera
Oral-History:Klaus Gueldenpfennig
Oral-History:Vince Gulden
Hermann K. Gummel
John B. Gunn
Oral-History:Gustave Shapiro

Oral-History:Abraham H. Haddad
Andrew V. Haeff
Lawrence Hafstad
Joachim Hagenauer
Patrick E. Haggerty
Christof Hagleitner
Oral-History:Lois Haibt
John H. Hall
Oral-History:Robert N. Hall
Robert N. Hall
Richard W. Hamming
Archives:Handbook of Electronic Design and Analysis Procedures Using Programmable Calculators
:Handheld Electronic Calculators
Archives:Handy Lists of Technical Literature - Electricity and Magnetism
Clinton Richards Hanna
William W. Hansen
Archives:Calculating Power: Edwin L Harder and Analog Computing in the Electric Power Industry
Oral-History:Edwin Harder
Oral-History:Ann Hardy
George G. Harman
Elise F. Harmon
Oral-History:Charles Harper
Oral-History:Buddy Harris
Frank Bower Harris
Ralph Hartley
Oral-History:Juris Hartmanis
Harvard Mark I
Oral-History:Paula Hawthorn
Oral-History:Floyd Hayhurst
Oral-History:Gwen Hays
Oral-History:Marlene Hazle
Oliver Heaviside
George Hecht
George H. Heilmeier
Oral-History:Martin Hellman
Robert A. Henle
John L. Hennessy
Warren E. Henry
Karl Hernqvist
Edward W. Herold
Noah Hershkowitz
Oral-History:Bobby Hersom
William R. Hewlett
Andreas Hierlemann
:High-Level Computer Languages
James Hillier
Oral-History:James Hillier
Geoffrey E. Hinton
Shigeo Hirose
First-Hand:History of an ASEE Fellow (Kanti Prasad)
Paul S. Ho
Tony Hoare
David A. Hodges
Richard Hodgson
Ronald G. Hoelzeman
Jean Hoerni
Ted Hoff
Oral-History:Wallace Hoff
C. Lester Hogan
Betty Holberton
Herman Hollerith
Oral-History:Nick Holonyak
William M. Holt
John Hopcroft
Grace Murray Hopper
Oral-History:Mel Hotz
First-Hand:How to Fix a Broken Computer
First-Hand:Howard Wise Gallery Show of Digital Art and Patterns (1965): A 50th Anniversary Memoir
Judy L. Hoyt
Chenming Hu
Oral-History:Thomas Huang
David A. Huffman
Albert W. Hull
Archives:Human Information Processing and Reaction Time
Oral-History:Kathy Humphry
Cuthbert Hurd
Harry Huskey
Chang-Gyu Hwang
Oral-History:Jennie S. Hwang

Archives:The Computer Pioneers: IBM Discussion Group, segment 1
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: IBM Discussion Group, segment 2
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Development of the IBM 701
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Development of the IBM 701, segment 1
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Development of the IBM 701, segment 2
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Development of the IBM 701, segment 3
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Development of the IBM 701, segment 4
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Development of the IBM 701, segment 5
IBM 1800
IBM System/360
Milestones:IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 1960 - 1984
First-Hand:IBM's Evolution, From Punch-Card Machines to High-Speed Computers
IBMs Millipede Memory Chip
Masaru Ibuka
Archives:ICL and the American Challenge: British Government Policies for the Computer Industry, 1945-1985
Masayuki Ieda
Oral-History:IEEE Control Systems Society Oral Histories
Archives:IEEE History Center Book Publishing
Oral-History:IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society Oral Histories
:Image Processing
Kees A. S. Immink
Induction Ring
Archives:Birth Certificate of the Information Age: The Annus Mirabilis 1948
IEEE Information Theory Society History
Archives:Innovations with Light-Emitting Diodes
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society History
Why Integrate a Circuit?
Integrated Circuits
:Integrated Circuits
Integrated Circuits and the Space Program and Missile Defense
Archives:Integrated Circuits Fabrication
Archives:Integrated Circuits, A Revolution in Electronics
Archives:Intelligence in Instrumentation
:Intelligent robots
Interactive Fiction and Adventure Games
Milestones:Birthplace of the Internet, 1969
Archives:History and Overview of the Internet
Internet of Things
First-Hand:Internet's Origin
First-Hand:Interview of Peter J. Denning
Milestones:Introduction of the Apple II Computer: 1977-1978
Inventing the Computer
First-Hand:Invention of an Integrated Circuit
Oral-History:Eleanor Ireland
J. David Irwin
Island Hopping - Chapter 12 of Radar and the Fighter Directors
IT History Society
Oral-History:Fumitada Itakura
Kiyoo Itoh
Oral-History:Ivan A. Getting (1995)
Hiroshi Iwai
Subramanian S. Iyer

Oral-History:Irwin Jacobs
Irwin M. Jacobs
Jacquard Loom
Anil K. Jain
Oral-History:Jana Kosecka
Archives:Progress in the Electronic Components Industry in Japan after World War II
Archives:Technological Strength Needs and Feeds a New Research Infrastructure in Japan
Milestones:The First Word Processor for the Japanese Language, 1971-1978
Oral-History:Ray Jarvis
Oral-History:F. Suzanne Jenniches (2010)
Oral-History:Jing Xiao
Steve Jobs
Oral-History:Amos Joel (1992)
Oral-History:Amos Joel (1993)
Oral-History:Rudy Joenk
Reynold B. Johnson
Wen-Ben Jone
Anita K. Jones
Oral-History:Karen Spärck Jones
Rajiv V. Joshi
Bill Joy

Oral-History:Hilary Kahn
Oral-History:Robert Kahn
Oral-History:Thomas Kailath
Oral-History:James Kaiser
Oral-History:Samuel Kalow
Takeo Kanade
Oral-History:In-Ku Kang
Oral-History:Jin Ku Kang
Oral-History:Ki Dong Kang
Oral-History:Sung Mo (Steve) Kang
Oral-History:Charles Kao
Oral-History:Mitchell Kapor
Walter J. Karplus
Oral-History:Walter Karplus
Oral-History:Katsutaro Kataoka
Oral-History:Lydia Kavraki
Oral-History:Kenji Kazato and Kazuo Ito
William L. Keefauver
Oral-History:Arthur C. Keller
Oral-History:Laurie Keller
John E. Kelly, III
Edward Keonjian
Oral-History:Jack Kern
Oral-History:Warren A. Kesselman
Oussama Khatib
Oral-History:Nobutoshi Kihara
Nobutoshi Kihara
Oral-History:Makoto Kikuchi
Jack Kilby
Oral-History:Jack Kilby
Oral-History:Lee Kilgore
Oral-History:Jae Kyoon Kim
Oral-History:Yong Sun Kim
Michael A. Kinch
Oral-History:Dieter Kind
Oral-History:Archie King
Oral-History:Mary Kircher
Kite Experiment
Oral-History:Viggo Kjaer
Donald L. Klein
Oral-History:Leonard Kleinrock
Leonard Kleinrock
Oral-History:Ron Kline
Oral-History:C. Raymond Knight
Donald E. Knuth
Oral-History:Koji Kobayashi
Koji Kobayashi
Oral-History:Richard Koch
The Kodak Camera
Faqir Chand Kohli
Oral-History:Petar Kokotovic (2011)
Rudolf Kompfner
Granino A. Korn
Oral-History:Kazuhiro Kosuge
Mitsumasa Koyanagi
George Kozmetsky
Arthur J. Krener
Oral-History:Hans Kretz
Oral-History:Norman B. Krim (1984)
Oral-History:Herbert Kroemer
Oral-History:David Kuck
Kelin J. Kuhn
Raymond Kurzweil
Dim-Lee Kwong
Oral-History:Robert Kyhl
Oral-History:Yoshihiro Kyotani

Franz Laermer
James M. Lafferty
Oral-History:Ken Laker
Leslie Lamport
Butler W. Lampson
Rolf Landauer
Oral-History:William Lang
James Lansing
Oral-History:Pierre Lapostolle
Oral-History:Jay Lathrop
Steven E. Laux
Elizabeth Laverick
Oral-History:Harold B. Law
First-Hand:Learning About Computers, Programming, and Computer System Design Circa 1963 - 1981
Oral-History:Ernst Lederer
Albert G. Lee
Thomas H. Lee
Yoon-Woo Lee
Morris E. Leeds
Winthrop M. Leeds
Oral-History:David Leeson
First-Hand:Legacy of NTDS - Chapter 9 of the Story of the Naval Tactical Data System
Oral-History:Meir Lehman
John P. Lehoczky
Abraham Lempel
Lempel-Ziv Compression Algorithm
Martin P. Lepselter
Vladimir I. Levenshtein
Oral-History:Levent Onural
Oral-History:Humboldt W. Leverenz
Oral-History:Moises Levy
Oral-History:Frank Lewis
Leyden jar
:Leyden Jar
Shuo-Yen Robert Li
Oral-History:Heather Liddell
Light Bulb Manufacturing
Michael Lightner
Oral-History:Michael Lightner
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
John G. Linvill
First-Hand:Liquid Crystal Display Evolution - Swiss Contributions
Milestones:Liquid Crystal Display, 1968
Oral-History:Barbara Liskov (1991)
Simon Litsyn
Oral-History:Bede Liu
Chung Laung Liu
Oral-History:Lennart Ljung
Arthur Lo
Oliver Lodge
Oral-History:Antonio Luque Lopez
Harold W. Lord
Robert D. Lorenz
History of Lossless Data Compression Algorithms
Oral-History:Gillian Lovegrove
Oral-History:Donald Lowden
William C. Lowe
Archives:LSI In Use
Chih-Yuan (C. Y.) Lu
Mark Lundstrom

Walter MacAdam
Oral-History:J. Ross Macdonald
J. Ross Macdonald
Oral-History:Carol G. Maclennan
Some Popular Misconceptions About Magnetic Recording History and Theory
Magnetic Tape
Magnetic Videotape Recording
Magnetic-Core Memory
Tsugio Makimoto
Harold M. Manasevit
The University of Manchester MU5 Computer System
Oral-History:Margaret Marrs
Matthew T. Mason
Oral-History:Warren P. Mason
:Mass Spectrometers
Oral-History:James L. Massey
James L. Massey
Fujio Masuoka
Herbert F. Mataré
Max Mathews
Juri Matisoo
Oral-History:Larry Matthies
Oral-History:Joseph Maxfield
First-Hand:Maxum Memoirs: Climbing Technical Mountains
Hans Ferdinand Mayer
Oral-History:John Mayo
John S. Mayo
Stanley Mazor
Oral-History:Naomi McAfee
Oral-History:John McCarthy
Robert J. McEliece
Oral-History:Ronald McFarlan
David A. McLean
First-Hand:McNally's Challenge, Conceptualizing the Naval Tactical Data System - Chapter 3 of the Story of the Naval Tactical Data System
Oral-History:James McNaul
Kathleen McNulty
Oral-History:John McPherson
Alan L. McWhorter
Carver A. Mead
First-Hand:Measurement in Early Software
:Mechanical Calculators
Sanjay Mehrotra
James D. Meindl
Marlyn Meltzer
History of Memory and Storage Systems
Oral-History:Mary Tsingou Menzel
Oral-History:Lou Meren
Oral-History:David G. Messerschmitt
David G. Messerschmitt
Robert M. Metcalfe
Oral-History:Robert Metcalfe
Paul Michaelis
Early Microelectronics
Archives:Microelectronics Comes of Age - Systems of the Future
Archives:The Social Construction of the Microprocessor A Japanese and American Story
World's First Microprocessor in the F-14A "Tom Cat" Made on Long Island
Early Microprocessors
Microwave Circuits
Archives:Microwave Integrated Circuits
Oral-History:David Middleton (2007)
Midway - Chapter 7 of Radar and the Fighter Directors
Oral-History:Mildred Dresselhaus
Robert A. Millikan
Oral-History:Judith Mills
Oral-History:Laurence Milstein
Marvin Minsky
Oral-History:Jerry B. Minter
Oral-History:Sanjit Mitra
Archives:Modern Control Logic
Cleve B. Moler
John L. Moll
Oral-History:John Moll
Charles E. Molnar
Gordon E. Moore
Oral-History:Gordon Earl Moore
James W. Moore
Oral-History:Louis F. Moose
Dov Moran
James C. Morgan
Oral-History:Fusao Mori
Akio Morita
George Morrow
George Morton
First-Hand:Moving the Firing Key to NTDS - Chapter 6 of the Story of the Naval Tactical Data System
Oral-History:Charles W. Mueller
Richard Stephen Muller
Oral-History:Robert Mumma
Oral-History:Saburo Muroga
Richard M. Murray
Thomas E. Murray
Oral-History:Hans Musmann
First-Hand:My First Handmade Radio
First-Hand:My recollections as an educator
First-Hand:My Recollections in Electrical Engineering
First-Hand:My Saturn 5 Experiences

Oral-History:Troy Nagle
Khalil Najafi
Oral-History:Heitaro Nakajima
Susumu Namba
Early Digital Technology and the Navy
Leon S. Nergaard
John von Neumann
Andrew R. Neureuther
John W. Mauchly
Oral-History:Jean-Daniel Nicoud
Oral-History:John "Jack" Nieberding
Oral-History:Nils Nilsson
Tak H. Ning
Oral-History:Kazuhiko Nishi
Yoshio Nishi
Oral-History:Takao Nishitani
Nixie Tubes
First-Hand:No Damned Computer is Going to Tell Me What to DO - The Story of the Naval Tactical Data System, NTDS
Archives:No Exponential is Forever
First-Hand:Novell 1980-1990
Oral-History:Robert N. Noyce
Robert Noyce
Archives:Numeric and Alphanumeric Displays for Instruments

Oral-History:Russel S. Ohl
Russell Ohl
Oral-History:Takanori Okoshi
William G. Oldham
Kenneth H. Olsen
Oral-History:Harry F. Olson
Technological Innovations and the Summer Olympic Games
Hanzo Omi
Jim K. Omura
Oral-History:Eugene O'Neill
:Open-Source Software
First-Hand:Operating System Roots
:Operating System Software
Oral-History:Alan Oppenheim
Archives:Optimization Using Personal Computers
Archives:Opto-Hybrid Integrated Circuit Photosensitive Devices
First-Hand:Origin of Toshiba Computer Software Product Line COPOS and PODIA for Power-Generation Plant and its induction into the Software Product Line Hall of Fame at Carnegie Mellon University
First-Hand:Origins of Hewlett Packard 35 (HP-35)
Oral-History:Vincente Ortega
John O'Sullivan
John K. Ousterhout
First-Hand:Over 50 Years in Computing

David Packard
Packet Switching
Else Marie Pade
Chester H. Page
Ted Painter
Oral-History:Jorgen Palshoj
Christos H. Papadimitriou
First-Hand:Parallel Processor, Theory and Circuits
Keshab K. Parhi
Oral-History:Lynne Parker
Oral-History:Tom Parks
Edward A. Parrish
Oral-History:Kumar Patel
David A. Patterson
George W. Patterson
Gary L. Patton
Vern Paxson
The First PCs
First-Hand:PDP-8/E OMNIBUS Ride
Oral-History:Aage Pedersen
Peder Pedersen
Donald O. Pederson
Marcel J.M. Pelgrom
Oral-History:Arno Penzias
Radia Perlman
:Personal Computers
Kurt E. Petersen
Oral-History:Richard Petritz
Emil M. Petriu
Oral-History:Raymond Pickholtz
John Pierce
Oral-History:John Pierce
Oral-History:John Pierce (Part 2)
Oral-History:John Pierce (Part 3)
Mark S. Pinsker
Milestones:Pioneering Work on Electronic Calculators, 1964-1973
Milestones:Pioneering Work on the Quartz Electronic Wristwatch, 1962-1967
Pasquale Pistorio
Oral-History:Kenneth Plante
James D. Plummer
James H. Pomerene
Aleksandr Popov
Oral-History:Robert Pound
Balaji Prabhakar
Walter E. Proebster
Oral-History:Walter Proebster
Past programming languages and their influences on today's languages and programming paradigms
Archives:Programming Languages for the Layman
Emerson Pugh
Oral-History:Emerson W. Pugh
Michael Pupin
Archives:Papers of Michael I. Pupin
Insley Pyne

Quartz Watch

Radar and the Fighter Directors
Oral-History:Charles Rader
Radio Location Goes to Sea - Chapter 2 of Radar and the Fighter Directors
Radio Location Takes to the Air - Chapter 3 of Radar and the Fighter Directors
John R. Ragazzini
Oral-History:Jan Rajchman
Jan Rajchman
Oral-History:Jan Rajchman and Albert S. Hoagland
Ragunathan Rajkumar
Milestones:RAMAC, 1956
C.V. Ramamoorthy
Oral-History:William Rambo
Oral-History:Norman F. Ramsey (1991)
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Interview footage of Brian Randell
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Interview footage of Michael Woodger and Brian Randell
Oral-History:Bertram Raphael
First-Hand:Raymond Besson
Behzad Razavi
RCA Laboratories at Princeton, New Jersey
First-Hand:Re-Establishing IEEE Members' Right to Ethical Support in Employee-Employer Professional/Ethical Disputes
Gabriel M. Rebeiz
First-Hand:Recollections of My Career
First-Hand:Recollections on Education and Missile Guidance Systems
Oral-History:Robert Rediker
Archives:Redundant Coding and its Economical Aspects
Irving S. Reed
Ronald E. Reedy
Oral-History:John M. Reid
Oral-History:Reid Simmons
Archives:Reliability of Computer Systems
Reliability Qualification Methods
First-Hand:Reminiscences on My Career in Control
Oral-History:Carl Rench
Resistance to Useful Inventions
Archives:Review of the Competitive Status of the United States Electronics Industry
Archives:Review of Tube Type Video Imaging Devices
Archives:Broadband Direct-Coupled and Matching RF Networks
Oral-History:Tae-Won Rhee and Duck-Jin Kim
Walther Richter
Harriett B. Rigas
Rise and Fall of Minicomputers
Jorma Rissanen
Robert R. Everett
Oral-History:Enders Robinson
Milestones:Electronic Technology for Space Rocket Launches, 1950-1969
Wilhelm Roentgen
Ronald A. Rohrer
Vladimir Rokhlin
Oral-History:Richard Rollman
Albert Rose
Charles Rosen
Oral-History:Harold Rosen
Oral-History:Paul Rosen
Mendel Rosenblum
Oral-History:Azriel Rosenfeld
Azriel Rosenfeld
Oral-History:Ian Ross
Hector Ruiz
Hans S. Rupprecht
Enrique H. Ruspini
Oral-History:Ruzena Bajcsy (2010)
Harris Ryan
Oral-History:John Douglass Ryder

Oral-History:Theodore Saad
Oral-History:Shoichi Saba
Shoichi Saba
SABRE Airline Reservation System
Oral-History:John Saby
Oral-History:Murray Sachs
SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment)
Chih-tang Sah
Eugene C. Sakshaug
Gurtej Singh Sandhu
F. L. J. Sangster
John C. Sarace
Krishna Saraswat
Oral-History:Tadashi Sasaki
Steven J. Sasson
Satoshi Hiyamizu
First-Hand:Saturn V ground support computer reminiscences
K. N. Satyendra
Scanning Probe Microscopy
Don Scharfetter
Oral-History:Victor Scheinman
Oral-History:Johan Schleimann-Jensen
Eric Schmidt
Fred B. Schneider
Allen H. Schooley
Oral-History:William F. Schreiber
Manfred R. Schroeder
Oral-History:Manfred Schroeder
Oral-History:Hans Wilhelm Schuessler
Henning Schulzrinne
Oral-History:Mischa Schwartz
Hans-Paul Schwefel
Edmund Schweitzer
Henry Scovil
Oral-History:Ray Sears
Raymond W. Sears
Adel S. Sedra
Oral-History:Samuel Seely
Oral-History:Franz Seifert
Siegfried Selberherr
Archives:Self-Scan Photo Sensor Arrays
Milestones:Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) 1951-1958
Archives:A Review of UK Government Involvement in the Field of Semiconductor Technology Within the Research Establishments
Archives:Diversity, Complementarity, and Cooperation Materials Innovation in the Semiconductor Industry
Archives:The Future of Semiconductor Manufacturing, tape 1
Archives:The Future of Semiconductor Manufacturing, tape 2
Archives:The Future of Semiconductor Manufacturing, tape 3
Archives:The Future of Semiconductor Manufacturing, tape 4
Archives:The Future of Semiconductor Manufacturing, tape 5
Milestones:Semiconductor Planar Process and Integrated Circuit, 1959
Archives:From Germanium to Silicon, A History of Change in the Technology of the Semiconductors
Lui Sha
Ghavam Shahidi
Oral-History:Betty Shanahan
Oral-History:Carol Shanesy
Oral-History:Claude E. Shannon
Mary Shaw
Richard F. Shea
Alan Sheltzer
Oral-History:Masatoshi Shima
Oral-History:Ken'ichi Shinoda
William Shockley
Peter W. Shor
Oral-History:Ralph M. Showers
Oral-History:Daniel Siewiorek
Archives:Breakout: The 1990s
Archives:Digital Signal Processing Comes of Age: The 1970s
Archives:Etched in Silicon: The 1980s
Archives:Going Digital: The 1960s
Archives:What Is Signal Processing? A Look At the CD Player
Archives:How the West Was Won: The Military and the Making of Silicon Valley
Archives:Simulation of Oil Reserves on a Digital Computer
Sam Sivakumar
First-Hand:Six Decades of Calculations
SJSU Fall 2011 Articles
David Skellern
Oral-History:William Skillman
Oral-History:Kenneth F. Slater
David Slepian
:Slide Rules
Oral-History:Martha Sloan
Neil J. A. Sloane
Ralph J. Slutz
Oral-History:William Smanko
Smart Appliances
Oral-History:George E. Smith
Oral-History:George F. Smith
Henry I. Smith
Merlin G. Smith
Oberlin Smith
Friedolf M. Smits
Software Industry
A Very Early Conception of a Solid State Device
:Solid-State Computer Memory
Royal Sorensen
Oral-History:Jack Spangler
Milestones:SPARC RISC Architecture, 1987
Morgan Sparks
Frances Spence
Oral-History:Jon Squire
:SRAM Flash Memory
William Stanley
Raymond S. Stata
Archives:State of the Art Avalanche Diode Microwave Sources
Earl L. Steele
Oral-History:Earl Steele
Oral-History:Karl Ulrich Stein
Marvin Charles Stewart
George R. Stibitz
Gregory E. Stillman
Heinz Stoewer
Oral-History:William Stotz
Loren Frank Stringer
Leland D. Strom
Oral-History:Virginia Powell Strong
Vivek Subramanian
Oral-History:Takuo Sugano
Takuo Sugano
Oral-History:Takashi Sugiyama
Takashi Sugiyama
Oral-History:Guy Suits
Oral-History:Leo Sullivan
Eric E. Sumner
Sun Microsystems
Hideo Sunami
Archives:From Megaflops to Total Solutions: The Changing Dynamics of Competitiveness in Supercomputing
Oral-History:Jerome Suran
Edward H. Sussenguth
Heiner Sussner
Ivan E. Sutherland
Oral-History:Len Svensson
Antonin Svoboda
Archives:System Technologies in Politics and Economics
Archives:Systems Engineering: Art, Science and Politics

Oral-History:Keiji Tachikawa
Shinichi Takagi
Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Oral-History:Morris Tanenbaum
Leandros Tassiulas
Robert Taylor
Archives:Finding the Right Material: Gordon Teal as Inventor and Manager
Oral-History:Gordon K. Teal
Gordon Teal
Oral-History:Benjamin R. Teare Jr.
Technical Tour - Central New Jersey
Ruth Teitelbaum
Television Tower at Žižkov, Prague, Czech Republic
Bernard Tellegen
First-Hand:Testing the Naval Tactical Data System - Chapter 5 of the Story of the Naval Tactical Data System
Stuart Tewksbury
Texas Instruments
First-Hand:The Anti-Submarine Warfare Ship Command and Control System - The First Spin Off from the Naval Tactical Data System
First-Hand:The AT&T BELLMAC-32 Microprocessor Development
The Beginnings of Naval Fighter Direction - Chapter 5 of Radar and the Fighter Directors
First-Hand:The Birth of IMS/360
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: IBM Discussion Group
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Switched Output: Time-sharing at MIT
The CXAM Goes to War - Chapter 6 of Radar and the Fighter Directors
First-Hand:The Development of Pong: Early Days of Atari and the Video Game Industry
First-Hand:The Diffusion Mode Operation of FET Devices
First-Hand:The First Commercial Computer Application at General Electric
First-Hand:The First-Ever Integrated High Fidelity Output System
Milestones:The Floating Gate EEPROM, 1976 - 1978
The Gilbert and Marshall Islands - Chapter 10 of Radar and the Fighter Directors
First-Hand:The Hidden Markov Model
First-Hand:The IEEE Internet of Things Journal Started With a Conversation About Bread
First-Hand:The Marine Tactical Data System and the Airborne Tactical Data System - Chapter 8 of the Story of the Naval Tactical Data System
First-Hand:The Naval Tactical Data System in Combat - Chapter 7 of the Story of the Naval Tactical Data System
The Night Fighters - Chapter 11 of Radar and the Fighter Directors
The Solomons - Chapter 8 of Radar and the Fighter Directors
First-Hand:The Supercomputer Class Evolution: A Personal Perspective
First-Hand:The Title Plant Operating System: A Data Base System of Index Files for Recorded Documents
First-Hand:The World's First Transistor Hi-Fi System
Oral-History:Theodore Van Duzer (2014)
Archives:Thermal Design Considerations in Microelectronic Circuitry
Thin Film Deposition Technologies
First-Hand:Things I remember about my time with IBM
B. J. Thompson
John Thompson
Kenneth L. Thompson
Elihu Thomson
Thordarson 1 MV transformer
Oral-History:Bertil Thoren
US Rails Adopt Standard Time
Timeline of Early Computer Music at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated
Timeline of Early Digital-Graphics Innovations and Accomplishments at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 1
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 10
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 2
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 3
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 4
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 5
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 6
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 7
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 8
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Time-sharing at MIT, segment 9
Sandip Tiwari
Oral-History:Erwin Tomash
Michael Tompsett
Philip Torchio
Akira Toriumi
Linus Benedict Torvalds
Milestones:Toshiba T1100, a Pioneering Contribution to the Development of Laptop PC, 1985
Oral-History:Toshio Mitsui
Bell Demonstrates Transistor
Silicon Transistor
Archives:The Invention of the Transistor
The Transistor and Portable Electronics
Milestones:Manufacture of Transistors, 1951
Archives:Minority Carriers and the First Two Transistors
Transistors and the Computer Revolution
Traveling Wave Tube
Sol Triebwasser
Stephen Trimberger
:Triode Electron-Tubes
Oral-History:Edward Tudor
Tunnel Diode
Alan Turing
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The TX-0

Oral-History:Michiyuki Uenohara
Jeffrey Ullman
Keith W. Uncapher
UNIVAC and the 1952 Presidential Election
Andrea Urban
A Brief History of the U.S. Federal Government and Innovation (Part II): From World War I through World War II (1917 – 1945)
A Brief History of the U.S. Federal Government and Innovation (Part III): World War II and Beyond (1945 – 1987)
Milestones:US Naval Computing Machine Laboratory, 1942-1945

Oral-History:Leslie Vadasz
Oral-History:Max Valentinuzzi
Oral-History:George E. Valley
Balthasar Van der Pol
Hendrik van der Bijl
Oral-History:Hendrik Van Brussel
Andries van Dam
Martin A. van den Brink
Oral-History:Thomas Vanderslice
Oral-History:Theodore Van Duzer (1991)
Oral-History:Jacques Vanier
Oral-History:Guido Vannucchi
George Varghese
H. Earle Vaughan
Cyril G. Veinott
Oral-History:Gianmarco Veruggio
First-Hand:Video Game and Computer Technology Interaction
Oral-History:John Vig
Benedetto Vigna
Oral-History:Oswald Garrison Villard
Vintage Computer Festival
Consumer Virtual Reality
Oral-History:Andrew Viterbi
Oral-History:Fred Vogel
Oral-History:Joseph Vogelman
Archives:The Human Voice and the Computer
Vote Recording Machines
The Vox and Farfisa

Oral-History:Glen Wade
Charles L. Wagner
Oral-History:Charles Wagner
Bob Wallace
James D. Wallace
Oral-History:J. T. Wallmark
Yulun Wang
Willis Ware
R. R. Warnecke
First-Hand:Warsaw's First Vacuum Tube Factory: The Story of Wieslaw Barwicz
Dean A. Watkins
Archives:Bridger of Cultures: Ernst Weber as Researcher, Educator, and Statesman
Oral-History:Roger Webster
William M. Webster
James W. Weidenman
Oral-History:Paul K. Weimer
Oral-History:Bruno Weinschel
Oral-History:Max Weiss
Milestones:WEIZAC Computer, 1955
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 1
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 10
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 11
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 12
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 13
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 2
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 3
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 4
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 5
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 6
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 7
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 8
Archives:The Computer Pioneers, Weizmann Institute segment 9
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: Weizmann Institute Video Oral History
Charles Wheatstone
Archives:From Automatic Volume Control to the Stationmaster Antenna: Harold Alden Wheeler and Applied Electronics
Oral-History:Harold A. Wheeler (1985)
Oral-History:Harold Wheeler (1991)
Oral-History:John Whinnery
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer, segment 1
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer, segment 2
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer, segment 3
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer, segment 4
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer, segment 5
Archives:The Computer Pioneers: The Whirlwind Computer, segment 6
Milestones:Whirlwind Computer, 1944-59
Oral-History:Edwin Lee White
Oral-History:Marvin White
Richard M. White
Oral-History:Stanley A. White
First-Hand:Wi-Fi's Early Days
Oral-History:Bernard Widrow
Bernard Widrow
Siegfried K. Wiedmann
Oral-History:Jerome Wiesner
Oral-History:Silvia Wilbur
Robert Wilensky
Mary Allen Wilkes
Maurice V. Wilkes
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)
Kimball Williams
Williamson Amplifier
William Wilson
Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs)
William M. Wolf
Charles M. Wolfe
Oral-History:Irving Wolff
Women and Electrical and Electronics Manufacturing
Women Computers in World War II
Oral-History:Women in Computing
Women of Westinghouse
Eugene Wong
Jerry M. Woodall
Word Processing for the Japanese Language
:Word Processing Software
First-Hand:Work at RCA on Traveling Wave Tubes
Milestones:World's First Reliable High Voltage Power Fuse, 1909
John M. Wozencraft
Wrist-Wearable Electronics

:X-ray Imaging
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
Longya Xu

Ronald R. Yager
Yamaha DX-7
Oral-History:Sakae Yamamura
Oral-History:Takashi Yamanaka
Jerry R. Yeargan
Gunpei Yokoi
Shoichiro Yoshida
Oral-History:Susumo Yoshida
Oral-History:David M. Young Jr.
Ian A. Young
Hwa N. Yu
Jack Yuan
Oral-History:Yury Gulyaev

Lotfi A. Zadeh
Oral-History:Lotfi Zadeh
Archives:Lotfi Zadeh Interview
Edward E. Zajac
Felix Zandman
Oral-History:Lars Zetterberg
Oral-History:Jacob Ziv
Jacob Ziv
Oral-History:Konrad Zuse
Oral-History:Vladimir Zworykin
Vladimir Zworykin

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726 × 1.020; 159 KB

Colossus 0491.jpg
640 × 455; 79 KB

614 × 480; 64 KB

Fleming Diode 0351.jpg
480 × 588; 33 KB

Koenig Analyzer Computer 1621a.jpg
640 × 440; 68 KB

Koenig Analyzer Computer 1621b.jpg
480 × 618; 78 KB

Koenig computer 1576b.jpg
480 × 597; 74 KB

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561 × 282; 22 KB

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Walleye ATS1969.jpg
480 × 360; 19 KB